Lancer Academy
Skills for life abroad.
Lancer Academy Launching Soon
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Developing Skills for Global Agility
Equipping globally transient individuals with the skills they need to make the leap from one culture to the next.
Interactive Online Courses
Highly recommended coaches
A Personal Touch
At Lancer Academy, we see learning as social. As such, we have developed communities and trained coaches to accompany our learners through their educational journey.
Our Mission Statement
Our academy specializes on imparting cultural skills for globally transient individuals to help them survive, live, and thrive in their new communities through online courses and social learning experiences.
Equipping Globally Transient Individuals
Providing skills for globally transient individuals to thrive in new communities.
Language Acquisition Courses
Courses focused on equipping individuals with skills for learning language and communicating.
Community Survival Skills Training
Training individuals to survive and thrive in diverse global communities.
Diverse Cultural Adaptation Courses
Courses focused on equipping individuals with skills for cultural adaptation and thriving.
Looking to provide a course to your team or company?
Reach out to our team for a customized learning experience.
+1 419-528-5325